Rappel :

Attention dans cet article l’outils est utilisé pour la recherche et l’apprentissage. Ce type d’outils ne doit pas être utilisé vers un serveur qui ne vous appartient pas, ceci peut être puni par la loi (voir les articles 323-XX).

Environnement de test :

Pour cela nous allons utiliser une VM tournant sur la distribution Kali. SSLyze est installé de base sur Kali.

Utilisation :

La commande et ses options

root@kali:~# sslyze -h
Usage: sslyze.py [options] target1.com target2.com:443 etc...

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xml_out=XML_FILE    Writes the scan results as an XML document to the file
                        XML_FILE. If XML_FILE is set to "-", the XML output
                        will instead be printed to stdout.
                        Reads the list of targets to scan from the file
                        TARGETS_IN. It should contain one host:port per line.
  --timeout=TIMEOUT     Sets the timeout value in seconds used for every
                        socket connection made to the target server(s).
                        Default is 5s.
                        Sets the number retry attempts for all network
                        connections initiated throughout the scan. Increase
                        this value if you are getting a lot of
                        timeout/connection errors when scanning a specific
                        server. Decrease this value to increase the speed of
                        the scans; results may however return connection
                        errors. Default is 4 connection attempts.
                        Tunnels all traffic to the target server(s) through an
                        HTTP CONNECT proxy. HTTP_TUNNEL should be the proxy's
                        URL: 'http://USER:PW@HOST:PORT/'. For proxies
                        requiring authentication, only Basic Authentication is
  --starttls=STARTTLS   Performs StartTLS handshakes when connecting to the
                        target server(s). STARTTLS should be one of: ['smtp',
                        'xmpp', 'xmpp_server', 'pop3', 'ftp', 'imap', 'ldap',
                        'rdp', 'postgres', 'auto']. The 'auto' option will
                        cause SSLyze to deduce the protocol (ftp, imap, etc.)
                        from the supplied port number, for each target
  --xmpp_to=XMPP_TO     Optional setting for STARTTLS XMPP.  XMPP_TO should be
                        the hostname to be put in the 'to' attribute of the
                        XMPP stream. Default is the server's hostname.
  --sni=SNI             Use Server Name Indication to specify the hostname to
                        connect to. Will only affect TLS 1.0+ connections.
  --quiet               Hide script standard outputs. Will only affect script
                        output if --xml_out is set.
  --regular             Regular HTTPS scan; shortcut for --sslv2 --sslv3
                        --tlsv1 --tlsv1_1 --tlsv1_2 --reneg --resum
                        --certinfo=basic --http_get --hide_rejected_ciphers
                        --compression --heartbleed

  Client certificate support:
    --cert=CERT         Client certificate chain filename. The certificates
                        must be in PEM format and must be sorted starting with
                        the subject's client certificate, followed by
                        intermediate CA certificates if applicable.
    --key=KEY           Client private key filename.
    --keyform=KEYFORM   Client private key format. DER or PEM (default).
    --pass=KEYPASS      Client private key passphrase.

    Analyzes the target server's SSL session resumption capabilities.

    --resum             Tests the server(s) for session resumption support
                        using session IDs and TLS session tickets (RFC 5077).
    --resum_rate        Performs 100 session resumptions with the server(s),
                        in order to estimate the session resumption rate.

    --compression       Tests the server(s) for Zlib compression support.

                        Verifies the validity of the server(s) certificate(s)
                        against various trust stores, checks for support for
                        OCSP stapling, and prints relevant fields of the
                        certificate. CERTINFO should be 'basic' or 'full'.
    --ca_file=CA_FILE   Local Certificate Authority file (in PEM format), to
                        verify the validity of the server(s) certificate(s)

    --heartbleed        Tests the server(s) for the OpenSSL Heartbleed
                        vulnerability (experimental).

    --reneg             Tests the server(s) for client-initiated renegotiation
                        and secure renegotiation support.

    --hsts              Checks support for HTTP Strict Transport Security
                        (HSTS) by collecting any Strict-Transport-Security
                        field present in the HTTP response sent back by the

    --chrome_sha1       Determines if the server will be affected by Google
                        Chrome's SHA-1 deprecation plans. See
                        /gradually-sunsetting-sha-1.html for more information

    Scans the server(s) for supported OpenSSL cipher suites.

    --sslv2             Lists the SSL 2.0 OpenSSL cipher suites supported by
                        the server(s).
    --sslv3             Lists the SSL 3.0 OpenSSL cipher suites supported by
                        the server(s).
    --tlsv1             Lists the TLS 1.0 OpenSSL cipher suites supported by
                        the server(s).
    --tlsv1_1           Lists the TLS 1.1 OpenSSL cipher suites supported by
                        the server(s).
    --tlsv1_2           Lists the TLS 1.2 OpenSSL cipher suites supported by
                        the server(s).
    --http_get          Option - For each cipher suite, sends an HTTP GET
                        request after completing the SSL handshake and returns
                        the HTTP status code.
                        Option - Hides the (usually long) list of cipher
                        suites that were rejected by the server(s).

La commande de base

root@kali:~# sslyze --regular mail.google.com




   mail.google.com:443                 =>


  * Deflate Compression:
      OK - Compression disabled          

  * Session Renegotiation:
      Client-initiated Renegotiations:   OK - Rejected
      Secure Renegotiation:              OK - Supported

  * Certificate - Content:
      SHA1 Fingerprint:                  412fd978da82f03122d39560da50bf2058f1e019
      Common Name:                       mail.google.com
      Issuer:                            Google Internet Authority G2
      Serial Number:                     305ABFF387D0D80A
      Not Before:                        Jul 13 13:28:41 2016 GMT
      Not After:                         Oct  5 13:17:00 2016 GMT
      Signature Algorithm:               sha256WithRSAEncryption
      Public Key Algorithm:              rsaEncryption
      Key Size:                          2048 bit
      Exponent:                          65537 (0x10001)
      X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:   {'DNS': ['mail.google.com', 'inbox.google.com']}

  * Certificate - Trust:
      Hostname Validation:               OK - Subject Alternative Name matches
      Google CA Store (09/2015):         OK - Certificate is trusted
      Java 6 CA Store (Update 65):       OK - Certificate is trusted
      Microsoft CA Store (09/2015):      OK - Certificate is trusted
      Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015):    OK - Certificate is trusted
      Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5):     OK - Certificate is trusted
      Certificate Chain Received:        ['mail.google.com', 'Google Internet Authority G2', 'GeoTrust Global CA']

  * Certificate - OCSP Stapling:
      NOT SUPPORTED - Server did not send back an OCSP response.

  * OpenSSL Heartbleed:
      OK - Not vulnerable to Heartbleed  

  * Session Resumption:
      With Session IDs:                  OK - Supported (5 successful, 0 failed, 0 errors, 5 total attempts).
      With TLS Session Tickets:          OK - Supported

  * SSLV2 Cipher Suites:
      Server rejected all cipher suites.

  * TLSV1_2 Cipher Suites:
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256   ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384       ECDH-256 bits  256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384   ECDH-256 bits  256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES256-SHA256                 -              256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES256-SHA                    -              256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES256-GCM-SHA384             -              256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256       ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256   ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES128-SHA256                 -              128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES128-SHA                    -              128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES128-GCM-SHA256             -              128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 DES-CBC3-SHA                  -              112 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/

  * TLSV1_1 Cipher Suites:
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES256-SHA                    -              256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES128-SHA                    -              128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 DES-CBC3-SHA                  -              112 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/

  * SSLV3 Cipher Suites:
      Server rejected all cipher suites.

  * TLSV1 Cipher Suites:
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES256-SHA                    -              256 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA          ECDH-256 bits  128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 AES128-SHA                    -              128 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
                 DES-CBC3-SHA                  -              112 bits      HTTP 301 Moved Permanently - /mail/
