Etat des membres d’un cluster


$ cphaprob state

Cluster Mode:   Sync only (IPSO cluster)

Number     Unique Address  Firewall State (*)

1  Active
2 (local)  Active

(*) In IP Clustering/VRRP FW-1 also monitors the cluster status

ClusterXL sur Gaia

[Expert@Gaia:0]# cphaprob state

Cluster Mode:   High Availability (Active Up) with IGMP Membership

Number     Unique Address  Assigned Load   State

1 (local)   100%            Active
2   0%              Standby

Note : EN mode IP Clustering avec partage de charge, la commande indique aussi la répartition de charge.

Affiche le monitor des “Devices” critiques

$ cphaprob list

Registered Devices:

Device Name: Synchronization
Registration number: 0
Timeout: none
Current state: OK
Time since last report: 596635 sec

Device Name: Filter
Registration number: 1
Timeout: none
Current state: OK
Time since last report: 596620 sec

Device Name: cphad
Registration number: 2
Timeout: 5 sec
Current state: OK
Time since last report: 0.8 sec

Device Name: fwd
Registration number: 3
Timeout: 5 sec
Current state: OK
Time since last report: 0.7 sec

Etat des interfaces/interfaces virtuels dans un cluster

$ cphaprob -a if

eth4c1          non sync(non secured)
eth2c0          sync(secured), multicast
eth3c0          non sync(non secured)
eth1c0          non sync(non secured)
eth4c2          non sync(non secured)
eth4c3          non sync(non secured)

Virtual cluster interfaces: 10


Note : Interessant lors de modification de l’interface de synchro.

Affichage de “sync serialization statistics”

$ cphaprob ldstat

Operand              Calls      Bytes   Average Ratio %
ERROR                0          0       0       0
SET                  18541      3432    185     0
RENAME               0          0       0       0
REFRESH              7034       3368    52      1
DELETE               18414      39400   34      0
SLINK                27634      88576   64      1
UNLINK               0          0       0       0
MODIFYFIELDS         2400       16400   76      0
RECORD DATA CONN     732        2088    284     0
COMPLETE DATA CONN   732        60280   8325    0

Total bytes sent: 3175380 (3 kB) in 6090 packets. Average 51

Affichage des stats de synchro de la choue transport

$ cphaprob syncstat

Sync Statistics (IDs of F&A Peers - 1 ):

Other Member Updates:
Sent retransmission requests...................  1
Avg missing updates per request................  1
Old or too-new arriving updates................  2
Unsynced missing updates.......................  0
Lost sync connection (num of events)...........  6
Timed out sync connection .....................  0

Local Updates:
Total generated updates .......................  1509
Recv Retransmission requests...................  219
Recv Duplicate Retrans request.................  0

Blocking Events................................  0
Blocked packets................................  0
Max length of sending queue....................  0
Avg length of sending queue....................  0
Hold Pkts events...............................  0
Unhold Pkt events..............................  0
Not held due to no members.....................  0
Max held duration (sync ticks).................  0
Avg held duration (sync ticks).................  0

Sync tick (ms).................................  100
CPHA tick (ms).................................  100

Sending queue size.............................  512
Receiving queue size...........................  256

Information Kernel et Connexion

$ fw ctl pstat

Machine Capacity Summary:
Memory used: 9% (47MB out of 499MB) - below low watermark
Concurrent Connections: 5% (1360 out of 24900) - below low watermark
Aggressive Aging is disabled

Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics:
Total memory allocated: 1145780 bytes in 7674 4KB blocks using 8 pools
Initial memory allocated: 201520 bytes (Hash memory extended by 10485760 bytes)
Memory allocation  limit: 1314280 bytes using 10 pools
Total memory bytes  used: 10737548   unused: 20719732 (65.87%)   peak: 31035940
Total memory blocks used:     3464   unused:     4210 (54%)   peak:     7674
Allocations: 1015119809 alloc, 983007 failed alloc, 1015281860 free

System kernel memory (smem) statistics:
Total memory  bytes  used: 64543688   peak: 296204068
Blocking  memory  bytes   used:  1635808   peak: 211752508
Non-Blocking memory bytes used: 62907880   peak: 84451560
Allocations: 9927285 alloc, 6 failed alloc, 9926459 free, 0 failed free

Kernel memory (kmem) statistics:
Total memory  bytes  used: 43701684   peak: 261319916
Allocations: 2025307086 alloc, 6 failed alloc, 2025208319 free, 0 failed free
External Allocations: 0 for packets, 0 for SXL

Kernel stacks:
0 bytes total, 0 bytes stack size, 0 stacks,
0 peak used, 0 max stack bytes used, 0 min stack bytes used,
0 failed stack calls

0 packets, 0 operations, 0 lookups,
0 record, 0 extract

4246763 total, 0 alloc, 0 free,
2752 dup, 164143514 get, 1114962 put,
4378786 len, 141 cached len, 0 chain alloc,
0 chain free

6676932 total, 4155369 TCP, 506307 UDP, 19741 ICMP,
15 other, 5973 anticipated, 419 recovered, 1360 concurrent,
13586 peak concurrent

368 fragments, 102 packets, 0 expired, 0 short,
0 large, 0 duplicates, 0 failures

370345/0 forw, 185522/0 bckw, 6416 tcpudp,
105142 icmp, 286728-222013 alloc

Version: new
Status: Able to Send/Receive sync packets
Sync packets sent:
total : 495688,  retransmitted : 168, retrans reqs : 1,  acks : 21
Sync packets received:
total : 1024947,  were queued : 2, dropped by net : 1
retrans reqs : 258, received 9823 acks
retrans reqs for illegal seq : 0
dropped updates as a result of sync overload: 0

Infos CheckPoint sk34476

Etat du HA

$ cpstat ha

Product name: High Availability
Version:      N/A
Status:       OK
HA installed: 1
Working mode: Sync only (IPSO cluster)
HA started:   yes